By default there are no invoice templates setup within MSP. This is done so you don't accidentally send an unbranded template to your customer.
With that in mind, to create an invoice template, do the following:
1. Go to MSP | System | Template Manager
2. Click on Add Template
3. Click on the option Select Template and Edit
4. Click on the appropriate template - If you are VAT registered you will want the A4 VAT Invoice and if you're not VAT registered, you'll want the A4 Invoice
5. Select Default Template for this Type
6. Fill in all the fields you wish to provide information for.
6a. The Logo Url should be a logo hosted on your website or some other location on the internet. Generally you'll be able to get this on your website by right clicking on your logo then selecting Copy Image Url
7. Click Save.
This sorts the main invoice out but you'll also need a template for the invoice items (which you can alter if you want but generally you would keep as default but this is the reason it has it's own template). To do this, follow steps 1 - 5 then Save but selecting the A4 VAT Invoice Item Template or the A4 Invoice Item Template for VAT inclusive or exclusive respectively.
Screenshots and Video to follow.